In the six months before her debut in 1938, Brenda Diana Duff Frazier, a quiet, pretty girl from a New York Society family, became the world's "glamor Girl No. 1" with five thousand articles written about her, her face everywhere. Her look became the look of the day. At seventeen, Brenda was the most envied girl alive, yet her life was already on a tragic and irreversible slide toward a string of unhappy marriages and love affairs, alcoholism, suicide attempts and the reclusive final years when she scarcely left her bed at the Ritz in Boston.
The Story of Brenda Frazier - Autographed by Author
Gidia Diliberto
First Edition
Copyright 1987
9 3/4"h x 6 1/2"w
332 pages
Note: we strive to find our vintage books in the best possible condition, but please take note they have been lovingly read and may show some minor signs of wear. Each book is protected with an acetate dust jacket cover to help keep it safe.